Dr. Mohamed Sabura

Dr. Mohamed Sabura

Assistant Professor

Qualification & Specialisation:

PhD in Business Administration (MS University), MBA and M.Phil

Experience in Years Teaching / Practice / Industry / Research:

15 years of Teaching experience / 3 years with Industry


Dr. Mohamed Sabura has 15 years of teaching experience in the field of Business Administration. She has served both in India and abroad and has an excellent presentation and interpersonal communication skills with an assertive attitude to excel in a multicultural environment. She has good knowledge and international experience in the field of education and held positions in accreditation work and unification of courses under Ministry of Manpower, Oman. She participated in and presented over 21 research papers at the International, National, and Regional levels, of which 10 were accepted for publication in proceedings and peer-reviewed journals.

  • “A Comparative study on effectiveness of Training Program between Public and Private Sector” International Journal of Organizational Behavior and Management Perspectives, Volume: 9, Number: 1(January to March, 2020), ISSN (Print): 2279-0950, ISSN (Online): 2279-0969. pp. 3980- 3990.

  • "A Study on Consumers’ Brand Preferences Relating to Specific Cosmetic Products among Omani Women" Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, Volume 5, Issue – 7 (July 2020) Page 418 – 427 ISSN 2415-6671 (Online) |ISSN 2415-6663 (Print) Scholars Middle East Publishers, UAE

  • “Conceptual Analysis on the Impact of Employee Engagement on Organizational Performance” The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis Volume XI, Issue VIII, August/2019 Page 111 - 121 ISSN NO: 0886-9367 DOI:18.0002.IJAEMA.2019.V11I8.208301.02030762

  • “Critical Analysis on Employment of Graduates in Oman” Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume 4, Issue – 7 (July 2019) Page 638 - 645 ISSN 2415-6663 (Print) |ISSN 2415-6671 (Online)

  • “The Effect of Social Networking Sites on Students' Academic Performance” ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.8 (8), AUGUST (2018), pp. 1-9, ISSN 2231- 5780, Online available at zenithresearch.org.in.

  • “A study on awareness among the students on entrepreneurial financial assistance provided by Sultanate of Oman” AHEAD – International Journal of Recent Research Review 7 Cv of Mohamed Sabura (AIJRRR), ISSN: 2456- 205X, Impact Factor :3.657, Volume – 1, Issues – 11, May 2017, pp. 35 – 40. Online available at http://www.aijrrr.com/archive-issues

  • “An empirical investigation on customer service offered by Public Sector Banks” A study with special reference to Tirunelveli District, published in ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research - ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.4 (12), December (2014), pp.240-266

  • “A study of Small and Medium Scale Industries in Sultanate of Oman” published in International Indexed and Refereed Research Journal, ISSN: 0975-3486, (Print) E-ISSN—2320-5482, February 2014, Vl – V, ISSUE – 53.

  • “Satisfaction and Effectiveness of training among the employees of TWAD Board”-A case study, published in International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management –VOLUME NO. 1 (2011), ISSUE NO. 1 (JUNE) ISSN 2231-5756

  • Emerging Trends in Advertising – ISBN No: 978-81-904760-3-4 (Pg No. 484)

  • Consumer Buying Behavior in today’s context – ISBN No: 9788190667197 (Pg No. 388)

  • Global Financial Crisis and Global Marketing – ISBN No: 978-81-7708-233-3(Pg No. 67)

Teaching Interest / Subject Expertise
  • Human Resource Management

  • Organizational Behavior

  • Managing Troubled Employees

  • Practical HRP

  • Performance Appraisal & Productivity

  • Research Methodology

  • Teamwork Management

  • Principles of Management

  • Introduction to Business

  • Business Strategy & HRM

  • Marketing Management

  • Business Communication

  • Human Resource Management

  • Organizational behavior

  • Teaching & Learning – Pedagogical framework related topics

  • Recipient of Best Lecturer Award in HR Section by the Department of Business Studies, Shinas College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman.

  • Recipient of Mujeeb Award (Outstanding Performance) by Shinas College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman.

  • Certificate of appreciation for the dedication and efficiency in carrying out the work related to the department of Management Studies in India and in Oman.

  • College Representative for Standard 2 (Coursework Programs) in the Ministry of Manpower for Quality Accreditation, Sultanate of Oman.

  • Business Studies Department Focal Point in the Specialization Committee under the Ministry of Manpower, Sultanate of Oman.

  • Moderator for HRM Section in Campus to Corporate 2020 – Industry Academia meet on January 22, 2020 organized by Shinas College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman.

  • Internal Reviewer for HRM Section in Confluence 2017 organized by Shinas College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman.

  • Internal Jury in SHCT – Management seminar organized by Shinas College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman.

  • Participated in various staff development programs organized by the Department of Business studies inside and outside Shinas College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman.